Ootastic: PCOS in pictures

February 8, 2017

Discworld Revisited recap: 10 down, 31 to go!

Filed under: books, Discworld — ootastic @ 9:30 am

Nearly two years ago, after the sad death of author Terry Pratchett, I decided to re-read all of the Discworld novels in chronological order and tweet my favourite lines (which often reflect current affairs).  I’ve now finished ten of the forty-one books and though I’d have a recap:

The Colour of Magic: Twoflower grinned. “Magic is one thing, and reflected-sound-as-of-underground-spirits is another.” (24 Aug 2015)

The Light Fantastic: The other skeletal hand held small cubes of cheese and pineapple on a stick…”I WAS AT A PARTY.” (3 Oct 2015)

Equal Rites: “Stop stuttering, man, you’d think you’d never seen a women before.” (7 Jan 2016)

Mort: “I DON’T KNOW ABOUT YOU,” he said, “BUT I COULD MURDER A CURRY.” (30 Jan 2016)

Sourcery: “Not much call for a barbarian hairdresser…no one wants a shampoo-and-beheading.” (4 Mar 2016)

Wyrd Sisters (my favourite so far): “When shall we three meet again?”…”Well, I can do next Tuesday.” (26 Mar 2016)

Pyramids: “…I think it’s called a mocracy, and it means everyone in the whole country can say who the new Tyrant is.” (13 Jun 2016)

Guards! Guards!: “I knew this cross-eyed gorgon once, oh, she was a terror. Kept turning her own nose to stone.” (12 Jul 2016)

Moving Pictures: “T’was beauty killed the beast.”…”No, it wasn’t. It was splatting into the ground like that.” (5 Nov 2016)

Reaper Man: Every day took an age to go by, which was odd, because days plural went past like a stampede. (23 Dec 2016)


September 8, 2015

Days bought from Death

Filed under: cancer, Discworld — ootastic @ 4:28 pm

Inspired by a friend’s Discworld drabble for a mutual cancer-inflicted friend.


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